Friday, November 27, 2009

Justin, my brother!

Yes!!!!!! Finally it is winter and the next holiday is Christmas! I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving! I did. The only bad thing was my brother not being here. The time will be here soon. January 1st, hopefully! Anyways, even though I was talking about the Holidays, the rest will be on my brother, and how much he means to me. His name is Justin. He is really the best brother. I call him my army brother. Well, sometimes.He is obviously in the army. He is in Iraq. He does mixed Marshall arts.  He fights his chaplain! A chaplain is a church preacher in the military. Funny huh? I am very glad he is going to church. It at least tells he wants to go to church. He loves to hunt. He likes to fish too. I don't hunt but I fish. Well I better go for now but that tells how much I really love my brother! Bye!


  1. This is a great post. You are a great writer and I look forward to reading your blog.

  2. that was very touching. I want to hunt with my dad someday and Katie Macie wants to hunt too.
