Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Only 10 more days until Christmas, or as others would say, X-mas. Some say it is a was to shorten the world down. Only X can mean to cross out. In this case they cross out the real meaning of Christmas. Christ! An example is when people are labeling Christmas boxes, X-mas decorations. I believe there are many different reasons people do that.
  1. to shorten the word
  2. to make it easier to write
  3. to cross out Christ because they want Christmas for themselves!
Believe it or not, # 3 is a big reason these days. Christmas should not be about presents! We only get presents because that night was the night the world was lit up by the greatest present, Christ our Savior! In television shows the say Christmas should be about family and the people surrounding you. They're right, right? WRONG! They are wrong. What makes Christmas all about being together? I mean yeah it's nice to be with family and friends, but they only want to keep their viewers, the TV people. They think that if they say the true meaning of Christmas they will lose viewers. They are honestly only thinking about themselves! Please don't be like them! Remember the true meaning of Christmas!