Saturday, December 17, 2011

Well even though you can't tell in New York, Christmas is just around the corner! Christmas is a week from tomorrow and theres no snow here in Lafayette. Some people are happy(the rest of my family) but as for me, I'd rather have a white Christmas. But I'm doing pretty well accepting the fact. I've realized  that people get way to wrapped up in whats not important about Christmas. They believe more in santa, snow, decorations, and especially presents! I, as a 12 year old know how hard it is not to get too wrapped up in those things but I always remember that Christmas is about the birth of Jesus Christ. He wasn't just some man that was born and could heal people. Jesus was a man that lived to die, was sent to save us from our sins. Even though that sounds more like Easter than Christmas, it is part of Christmas. The other night a couple of my friends and I were listinging to a song called Amazing Love on youtube. The video portion of the song was a short clip from the movie Passion of the Cross. This movie is about the death of Jesus and the ressurection. As a tear rolled down our faces while watching this, I looked at our Christmas tree, knowing that I was full of sin that Jesus never had. I as a Christan feel it important to tell others about Jesus and being a better Christian in my walk with Christ. This year, when your opening presents with your family, don't forget the real meanting of CHRISTmas!


  1. So true, Lauren, so true. Don't ever forget how much the baby Jesus loves you. Enough to die for you.

    Elaine W. Miller
