Saturday, July 3, 2010

what is fourth of july?

Tomorrow is The Forth Of July! To some people, The Fourth Of July is an important day, to others it is just a day to barbecue, watch fireworks, and see friends. To me, that is an important day. It is the day we gained freedom from England. We then got our independence. Therefore the term, Independence Day. It is not just the day the Declaration of Independence was signed. To me, that day is even more than that. To me it recognizes the people who fought in that war, died or did not die, they still fought hard, that is why we are here today, that is why I am writing this post, that is what lets us be who and where we are, that is what The Fourth Of July is!

                            Freedom is not free, is it?

                          (please answer in a comment)


  1. I like your post about the Fourth of July, Lauren. Very well-written!


  2. well i guess u could say freedom is free except 4 when the blacks were "free" even though they were "free" there were still black codes which seperated blacks from whites. it was a very sad time thats where Dr. Martin Luther King came in and he, well, u no the rest!
    Nice backroud and pretty colors!

  3. well to me, freedom is not free they could not just say i want freedom and they got it. they had to fight for it.

  4. I agree Lauren! We have freedom that cost many others many sacrifices. You could say that the men and women who fought for our wonderful country paid the price of our freedom, kind of like Someone else! Only His freedom is eternal!
