- to shorten the word
- to make it easier to write
- to cross out Christ because they want Christmas for themselves!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Only 10 more days until Christmas, or as others would say, X-mas. Some say it is a was to shorten the world down. Only X can mean to cross out. In this case they cross out the real meaning of Christmas. Christ! An example is when people are labeling Christmas boxes, X-mas decorations. I believe there are many different reasons people do that.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
How much longer?

check out my other posts!
What is today?
Well today is Thanksgiving! You know what that means! The next holiday is Christmas! It was a great day today! We had turkey, mashed potatoes,green bean casserole, pie, fudge, and much much more! I have to give most of the credit to my mom. Very good. I am still full as I write this! Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks, but as long as you think, say, or even admit your thankful, you can have fun with talking about food. Have a great rest of the day!
Thanksgiving 2010
Jesus Is The Reason
Thanksgiving 2010
Jesus Is The Reason
Thanksgiving 2010
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving! A day to give thanks, a day to give thanks to the Lord! Last night at the Thanksgiving Eve service at church, some people had some great things to be thankful for. One of them was for a daughter with a big heat. It is that persons only daughter, while he takes care of 2 sons. That is a great thing to be thankful for!Family. Another was for shelter,food, family care and all that stuff some people don't get. One was for being able to go to church and having a great person to teach God's word to them. Now I love all those things, but one of my favorites is having a relationship with Christ, your family having a great relationship with Christ. To be able to say, I am going to Heaven when I die! What could be greater? Remember to be thankful for Christ our savior! Say a prayer this Thanksgiving day! Have a great one while your at it!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Jesus is the reason for the season!
The time has come where all the stores have Christmas things. I know it's early but every week I am going to try to write about Christmas. Christmas is a very important day of the year. some favorite, including me! I love Christmas because it reminds me about Christ our savior. Christmas night a baby boy was born in the town of Bethlehem. Nope, not just any baby, JESUS! I am a kid, your probably wondering why the presents aren't my favorite thing. Well because I would not have those presents if Jesus was not born. Why would we? Christmas would probably not be a holiday. So when your thinking about Christmas, shopping fo Christmas, or anything, just remember this! Jesus is the reason for the season!
check out my other post on Thanksgiving!
check out my other post on Thanksgiving!
What is the next Holiday? Well according to the stores it is Christmas. It is really Thanksgiving. I am really excited for Thanksgiving! It is a fun holiday for my family. We sometimes have people over. This year my brothers friend from the Army is coming here. I am really happy because my brother will be happy and I haven't seen his friend for a really long time Everyone will be home for once. I cannot wait.
What do you and your family like to do on Thanksgiving?
What do you and your family like to do on Thanksgiving?
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
There once was a day,
on a big Halloween,
costumes and play,
much to be seen.
Fun not scary,
princesses and ladybugs,
what do you want to be?
Before you leave give some hugs,
when you trick-or-treat stay off the rugs.
Go have fun,you might trip if you run,
just get back up,
count down from 10 to one,
you'll be OK.
have fun,
before the sun.
Say trick-or-treat,
thank you and please.
Keep your costume nice and neat,
it's Halloween,
candy and more,
nothing healthy please no wheat.
Have fun,run,get seen,
on a big Halloween,
costumes and play,
much to be seen.
Fun not scary,
princesses and ladybugs,
what do you want to be?
Before you leave give some hugs,
when you trick-or-treat stay off the rugs.
Go have fun,you might trip if you run,
just get back up,
count down from 10 to one,
you'll be OK.
have fun,
before the sun.
Say trick-or-treat,
thank you and please.
Keep your costume nice and neat,
it's Halloween,
candy and more,
nothing healthy please no wheat.
Have fun,run,get seen,
I love October! It is so pretty, the leaves. The only bad thing is that I get sick a lot in October. I'm home sick today. I'm really board. I wrote a poem all by myself. You probably already read it if you reading this. It is the post on top of this one. If you haven't read it, you should. My mom thinks it is good. The reasons I do like October though is because of Halloween,the colors,and more. I am being a baby for Halloween. I got footsie pajamas, a pacifier,bib,a rattle,slippers,and I'm using my old blankee. I'm going with my 2 of my friends. It will be so much fun! I love Halloween.
If your dressing up for Halloween, what are you being? answer in a comment.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
I am sooooo excited for tomorrow. I leave for Delta Lake. It is a christian bible camp in Rome,NY. I went last year. At first I was kind of scared because it was my 1st year. I had a friend with me but still. At the end of the week, I cried because I didn't want to leave. Now I really can't wait. I also got 2 of my other friends to come with me. Now I have 4 other friends coming with me. It is all week long. I CANNOT wait until tomorrow!
I just want to say Happy Late Birthday Grandma Gates!
I just want to say Happy Late Birthday Grandma Gates!
Saturday, July 3, 2010
what is fourth of july?
Tomorrow is The Forth Of July! To some people, The Fourth Of July is an important day, to others it is just a day to barbecue, watch fireworks, and see friends. To me, that is an important day. It is the day we gained freedom from England. We then got our independence. Therefore the term, Independence Day. It is not just the day the Declaration of Independence was signed. To me, that day is even more than that. To me it recognizes the people who fought in that war, died or did not die, they still fought hard, that is why we are here today, that is why I am writing this post, that is what lets us be who and where we are, that is what The Fourth Of July is!
Freedom is not free, is it?
(please answer in a comment)
Freedom is not free, is it?
(please answer in a comment)
Hi everyone, YEAH, it is finally summer! I have a lot to do! Well I got out of school the 23rd of June! At first I was spending a lot of time with my brother, he is finally home! I still spend time with him just not as much. Next week my parents and I are going on vacation. I don't even know where though. I don't even know if they know. There is a possibility of us going to a friends camp. They have been trying to get us down there for a while, then they moved to Virginia, but they still have a camp down here. It is the people that we went to visit on spring break. Then the week after that, I am going to Delta Lake! I can't wait! Delta Lake is a lot of fun. I got a hold of my friend that was in my cabin. She lives in Albany. You can request up to 2 people on your sign up sheet. I had already requested 2 people that I know from church. So when I talked to her, she had not requested anyone! So she requested me and Carolyn! So that makes it a lot more exciting! The week after that I have vbs, vacation bible school. I don't really know if I am going to be in a group, I know there is at least 1 thing I am helping with so I don't know if I can be in a group. I really don't know yet. Sometime my brother is supposed to be taking me fishing and to a shooting range. I guess he shoots his hunting gun. I would do archery though. I got into archery last year at camp. My sister should be home from Itally the first week of August. I really can't wait to see her. She got me 2 necklaces. In Itally they believe that turtles bring good luck so everyone has like a turtle necklace of some kind of jewlery. Adults usually wear gold or silver. Kids wear all kinds of colors. She got me a purple one and a baby gold one! This summer should be great!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Sorry I have not written in a while. I don't have anything new right now. I have not had the best week. I have been tired and I have a bad cold. Last night at my church we had cabin fever. You have diner and then people can do talents. I did 2 things. They were both on my clarinet. I did a solo and a quartet. It was really fun. These other people did a skit and had 5 volunteers and I was one of them. What I did is hard to explain but it was also pretty fun. Well I have to go eat diner so I have to go.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
The other day I saw Alice in Wonderland. Alice is all grown and returns there. I don't want to tell everything but I recommend seeing it. The commercials are weird but the movie is great. I have really nothing new. I am going to really be working hard. I have a science project due next month. Science is not my best subject. Right now we are doing rocks and minerals. It is pretty fun. The end of the year will go bye fast considering the fact of all the activities you do in school in Spring and Summer. Man I can not wait for summer. Well I better go!
What is the 1st day of summer? (easy question huh?)
green grass, I would love to actually see it!!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Hi everyone! Right now I am pretty board! I have really nothing new. I have been spending a lot of time with one of my best friends. Her name is Rachel. I am with her right now. I am watching the SU game waiting for my mom to show up on the screen, like that is going to happen! Haha no she is at the game with my friends mom. SU is winning, by a lot! Well like I said, not much new. I will write again soon!
Test................... How many games has SU LOST!
Test................... How many games has SU LOST!
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Hi everyone, how are you? I am good! I have a small cold but not a big deal. I am really tired and need to go to bed. I am going to a birthday party tomorrow and it will be really fun! Well not much new but I figured i should write again. Well tomorrow I am also going to church. Well I better go but I will write again soon.
What do you like to do on weekends?
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Hi everyone! How are you? I am good! I am super tired though! Today I went to church, then my sister came home from college for the night. We went shopping for a little while and that is my day.Tomorrow I have to go back to school! I do not want to go back. I have had a February break! I can't wait until spring break because I will be in Virginia. Ohhhhhh can't wait!
What do you like to do over vacations?
What do you like to do over vacations?
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Hi everyone! I was not the best earlier! I was pretty tired and I am sick and tired of this snow! I know that before winter, I could not wait, but now, I can't wait for spring! I am on February break and today, we painted my room. That was not so easy. It is a blue color. I really love it! Well today was just not my day because of the reasons I told you! I need to lay down! Bye!
What is your favorite season and why?
What is your favorite season and why?
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Yes!! I got my kitten last night! I would write what she looks like but you already know! I love her! She is sooooo cute and lovable! She is just great! Well I will keep you posted on her! Can't wait for break to hang out with her and for my friends to see! Well better go get her out from behind the tv set! CRAZY KITTEN! Bye!
Please answer in comment! Why do you think God put lovable animals on Earth?
Please answer in comment! Why do you think God put lovable animals on Earth?
Saturday, February 6, 2010
I am sooooo excited for Monday! I am getting a kitten! I am pretty sure I know which one, her name is Nikki. But I may be to late so I will just keep looking. I have never owned a kitten/cat before. My sister is allergic. But she is in college now and has to deal with it. Well I better go but anyone that knows my mom, her b-day is Sunday the 7th and you can go to her blog which is jodylynne.blogspot.com and comment on her latest blog saying happy birthday. Have a nice week!jodylynne.blogspot.com
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Help for Haiti
Hi everyone. Sorry I have not written in a while. I have not felt well at all. I had to miss 2 days of school. I am well now. In school, I am in the 5th grade and we are doing a fundraiser for Haiti! I am really glad we are. They need it. Even though most people don't go to school and can raise money there, you can raise money and still help in an way. 1 way is by taking money cash or change, collect it for about a month and send it to an organization that will send it to Haiti. That is what we are doing. So far we have almost 300.00! We are not done yet though! Well my point now is that you should take my simple steps and use them to help Haiti. THEY, need it, WE don't! 1 by 1, help Haiti!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
just a fill in
Hi everybody. Oh man I am very tired! I should go to bed but I will wait a couple minuets. It is SO weird. I have been eating candy all night. I can't tell why I am tired. I can not wait for tomorrow! After church I am going sledding and going to have lunch! The hill I am going on is huge! Well I think, I have never seen it. I have just heard about it. Well I am sad this week because my brother leaves Wednesday! ;(. That means sad face. I can wait till then! I will most likely see him over the summer and he will be here permanently. That will be great. Well it was nice seeing him!
Monday, January 11, 2010

Hey everyone. Sorry about not writing in a while, I have been pretty busy. I am really excited because in two weeks, if I do my chores, I will get paid and can afford a game called Dance, Dance Revolution! It is where you hook it up to the TV and these arrows come up and on the pad you have to match up the arrows on the pad to what shows up on the TV. There id also music to go along with it. I love yo play it! I played it at my friends house this weekend. We also played outside, played a singing game and slept when that time came. Well I better go. I am going to put up a pic for you to look at.
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