Saturday, July 3, 2010

Hi everyone, YEAH, it is finally summer! I have a lot to do! Well I got out of school the 23rd of June! At first I was spending a lot of time with my brother, he is finally home! I still spend time with him just not as much. Next week my parents and I are going on vacation. I don't even know where though. I don't even know if they know. There is a possibility of us going to a friends camp. They have been trying to get us down there for a while, then they moved to Virginia, but they still have a camp down here. It is the people that we went to visit on spring break. Then the week after that, I am going to Delta Lake! I can't wait! Delta Lake is a lot of fun. I got a hold of my friend that was in my cabin. She lives in Albany. You can request up to 2 people on your sign up sheet. I had already requested 2 people that I know from church. So when I talked to her, she had not requested anyone! So she requested me and Carolyn! So that makes it a lot more exciting! The week after that I have vbs, vacation bible school. I don't really know if I am going to be in a group, I know there is at least 1 thing I am helping with so I don't know if I can be in a group. I really don't know yet. Sometime my brother is supposed to be taking me fishing and to a shooting range. I guess he shoots his hunting gun. I would do archery though. I got into archery last year at camp. My sister should be home from Itally the first week of August. I really can't wait to see her. She got me 2 necklaces. In Itally they believe that turtles bring good luck so everyone has like a turtle necklace of some kind of jewlery. Adults usually wear gold or silver. Kids wear all kinds of colors. She got me a purple one and a baby gold one! This summer should be great!

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you have a fun and busy summer ahead of you!!
