Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Well today was Christmas 2011! It only comes once. I hope everyone had a great day. My day was great as I can imagine most of yours were. There are many people who didn't though. Many people don't get to enjoy the holidays because they are alone, don't have a home, and many more reasons. I think we should reach out to those people. I've actually thought of ways I could do this all year around. It only takes a little effort for a group of people to help a less fortunate group of people. By this I don't just mean help them with food and money for a while, I mean do this while telling them about our only chance of eternal life, Jesus Christ. Tell them about Jesus and what he did for us, what God gave us, why we should trust in him. Jesus said "I am the way and the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me" John 14:6. Maybe by next Christmas we can get a group of  people to help a less fortunate group of people, spiritually!

Merry Christmas!


Friday, December 23, 2011

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Monday, December 19, 2011

Witnessing your faith

I think I've said this before, I'll say it again, I hate being sick! I came home from a church Christmas party not feeling too well. I woke up this morning not any better so I didn't go to school. I'm feeling better though thankfully. So last night I was looking at posts on my Ipod that my friends re-posted. One really caught my attention. I won't tell you the whole thing but I will write some of it.

" Why do we fall asleep during church but stay awake during a 3 hour movie? Why is it so easy to worship a celebrity but so hard to engage in God? Why do people laugh at you for being religious but put praise you for being dirty and vain? Why is it so easy to purchase drugs and not donate 25 cents to charity? Why is it so easy to brag about clothes, family, money, but not that you have Jesus Christ as a savior? Why is it so hard to talk about God but so easy to talk about dirty things? Jesus said "If you deny me in front of your friends, I will deny you in front of my father."

These are things I wonder myself very often. Have you been witnessing about your faith?

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Well even though you can't tell in New York, Christmas is just around the corner! Christmas is a week from tomorrow and theres no snow here in Lafayette. Some people are happy(the rest of my family) but as for me, I'd rather have a white Christmas. But I'm doing pretty well accepting the fact. I've realized  that people get way to wrapped up in whats not important about Christmas. They believe more in santa, snow, decorations, and especially presents! I, as a 12 year old know how hard it is not to get too wrapped up in those things but I always remember that Christmas is about the birth of Jesus Christ. He wasn't just some man that was born and could heal people. Jesus was a man that lived to die, was sent to save us from our sins. Even though that sounds more like Easter than Christmas, it is part of Christmas. The other night a couple of my friends and I were listinging to a song called Amazing Love on youtube. The video portion of the song was a short clip from the movie Passion of the Cross. This movie is about the death of Jesus and the ressurection. As a tear rolled down our faces while watching this, I looked at our Christmas tree, knowing that I was full of sin that Jesus never had. I as a Christan feel it important to tell others about Jesus and being a better Christian in my walk with Christ. This year, when your opening presents with your family, don't forget the real meanting of CHRISTmas!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Memorial Day

A very important day has come again. That day is Memorial Day. Memorial Day is a day to honor those who died fighting in the war as soldiers. I have a brother that was in Iraq so soldiers are even more important to me than they were before he went. I wrote an essay for school on Memorial Day. I won first place in the contest out of about 62 kids. They will be reading it at the end of the parade on Monday at the LaFayette Vetrans Cemetary. I strongly encourage you to go and listen to it be read. I will recieve a 100 dollar savings bond. I'm really happy that I won of course but I know that what I wrote about means more and that people knowing the real meaning is way more important. So this year when Memorial Day comes, remember, Memorial Day is sooo important that we really need to remember the reason we have it and that is to remember, honor, and love those who fought, fought hard, lived and died, for the United States of America!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

30 Hour Famine 2011: Love Hungry

30 hour famine

At my church, I'm going to be doing a 30 hour famine with my youth group. We wont eat for 30 hours. Of course we will have juice and stuff but no food. We are going to raise money for the kids who dont get a lot of food. Kids die every 10 seconds due to hunger. We are going to send the money to them for food. We were not made to starve so why should we. We get more than enough food and some kids don't get enough. I can't wait to see how much money i can raise, not for me, but for the kids!

we will not eat, we will give, we will love hungry!

We will not eat for our glory, but for the ones who starve day and night!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

John 14:6

I want to make Jesus known around the world. I want to be able to meet people and maybe not meet them agaain on Earth but in Heaven! John 14:6, "I am the way and the truth and the  life, nobody comes to the father except through me." That is Jesus talking. It means that the only way you can go to Heaven is to be saved. Well, what does saved mean? Saved means you trust the LORD Jesus to be your savior, that he died on the cross to save our sins.
1. read your bible
3.ask others
4.go to church saved through Christ Jesus

Well, the play

I found out my part in the play. I am an advertizer. I do all the comercials which is part of the play this is what the play is about

Is Ever After really as happy as everyone expected? In a hilarious parody of daytime TV, host Sally Lizzie Jesse Donatello-Griffin (or Monterey Jack Chesterfield Williamson — you pick the gender) wonders if time truly heals all wounds. She invites Cinderella and her middle-aged “beauty-impaired” stepsisters to reconcile with each other after being estranged for 20 years. What about Snow White and the Evil Queen? This hysterical fractured fairy tale has it all: a trash-talking clairvoyant mirror, an unfortunate prince who is turning slowly back into a frog and even Jiminy Cricket — now an occupational therapist and author of the book My Life as Your Conscience. The musical is punctuated by questions from obnoxious studio audience members and ridiculously funny infomercials for fairy tale related products, such as the Practical Princess Crown (which doubles as a purse and makeup case). Get ready for some knee-slapping and hand-clapping with great foot-tapping songs like "Beauty Impaired" and "Dainty Do-Gooder"!

It is a talk show and I do the comercials with 2 other people. I have a pretty good part. I do a lot of silent acting, such as being a princess! Even though I didn't get a solo, which I was hoping for, I got a different solo, I am doing a NYSSMA solo. NYSSMA stands for  New York State School Music Association. I sing in front of a judge and they tell me what I need to work on. I am also doing it for the clarinet. Last year I did it on the clarinet and got a 28/28! I'm praying that I do this year too!

Monday, February 7, 2011

This weekend I went to Delta Lake Bible Camp for a winter retreat with the people in our youth group. It was a lot of fun! We went snow tubing, had bible studies, had free time, and things like that. The speaker was a member from the Infusion team. He was a very good speaker! I enjoyed listening to him. He talked about the book of Jonah. And how we're the people of today so we need to get to work today. If you get a chance click here and read about Infusion. It has a bunch of stuff on the website so just explore. He talked about how there is no Jonah 5 and told us to make our Jonah 5. Read the book of Jonah and mak up your Jonah 5.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Well today was the play auditions. I did good I think but I'm not sure. I forgot part of it but she said it was OK. I think I will a get a good part... I hope! I won't find out for a while though so until then I will have to keep my mind off of it! I'm happy today because I found out my test score on a Social Studies test... 103! But I wonder what I would have gotten if I didn't pray about. I worked really hard. I believed in myself because I knew I had GOD with me.I said I could do my part with GOD there, and I did! I'm happy I prayed about it. I was nervous until I remembered I prayed and I still could pray! I was one of few who got that good of a score, did they pray? If they did could they have gotten a better score? Don't forget to pray even when you feel you need to!

When is a time you prayed about something and you feel God answered you? ANSWER IN A COMMENT PLEASE

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Play!

Well I have been waiting since December for our school play to start. Th girl who was supposed to do it will be out because she is pregnant. She is also my social studies teacher. The guy who was going to do it after her was my last year teacher, Mr. Mahoney. By the way, PLEASE pray for him! He has cancer and has been out for quite a while. I didn't think we were going to have a play! But finally we are because my music teacher is going to be in charge of it. I'm really excited but kid of nervous because we have to sing a solo for auditions. I'm either going to sing the Star- Spangled Banner or Butterfly Fly Away. I have been practicing a lot now that I know auditions are THURSDAY! We just found out yesterday! Well I hope I do good! The musical is called Ever After... I think! I t is about a bunch of princess stories that did not go so well. HAHA! I guess I will be reading the Bible for inspiration! And praying that I do well!

 What are some plays you remember doing? How did they go. You can answer in a coment if you would like!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Bible Time

I have recently been making time for bible reading. I read from the New Living Translation. It is a very good bible for those who are looking for a new on. I t is a lot easier for me to understand. In the back there is an index and it has the major stories and things to read. Such as the golden rule, Ten Commandments, Noah's Ark and things like that. You should really read about them. I am trying to say that you should make time to read the bible, John 14:6 says, "I am the way and the truth and the life, nobody comes to the father except through me." In other words, if you want to be in Heaven you have to go through Jesus first. You can get to him by reading the bible.